20 вакансий для разработчиков на Node.js

25 мая, 2021, 09:01 604
20 вакансий для разработчиков на Node.js

В новом дайджесте мы собрали 20 вакансий для разработчиков на Node.js. Чтобы подписаться на новые вакансии в этой сфере — перейдите по ссылке, задавайте нужные фильтры, пока не останутся только подходящие вакансии, а затем нажмите на тумблер “подписаться”.

[Remote] [Developer] Freelance Full Stack JavaScript Developer (Node.js, React.js) @Lemon.io

  • 3-4+ years of experience with Node.js, React.
  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript.
  • Spoken & Written English good enough to communicate with foreign customers.
  • Experience with other frameworks such as Vue.js, Angular, etc. will be a bonus.
  • Experience with Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, AWS will be a bonus.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Middle/Senior Node.js developer @CHOICE

  • Опыт серверной разработки, в частности, на NodeJS – от 3-х лет.
  • Опыт разработки на JavaScript – не менее 5 лет.
  • Опыт разработки нагруженных отказоустойчивых систем.
  • Умение работать с серверной инфраструктурой: Nginx, Docker, и т.п.
  • Принятие релевантных архитектурных решений.
  • Знание английского на разговорном уровне будет преимуществом.
  • Стэк технологий: nodejs, express, koa, mongodb, google compute cloud, redis, docker, AWS, Rest API, web sockets, Docker, CI/CD, Microservices architecture.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Back End Developer @Piano

  • Understanding of big data management principles: storage, processing, tools etc.
  • Experience with high-load systems.
  • Understanding of big data management principles: storage, processing, tools etc.
  • Strong Javascript knowledge, including ES2015; Typescript would be a plus.
  • Fluency with Nodejs.
  • Good knowledge of asynchronous programming models.
  • Experience with SQL and noSQL databases.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior fullstack (Node.js, Vue.js) developer @Codex Ukraine

  • Експерт з back-end розробки.
  • Багатий досвід Node.js.
  • Впевнено володіння та бажання працювати з Vue.
  • Досвід роботи з AWS або іншими cloud-платформами.
  • Досвід роботи з Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes.
  • Високі комунікаційні навички.
  • Вільна усна та письмова англійська.
  • Розуміння галузі Printing & Publishing буде перевагою.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Lead Javascript developer (Node, Vue) @Codex Ukraine

  • Expert knowledge of Node.js.
  • Well-versed in Vue.js.
  • Experience with AWS and/or other cloud platforms.
  • Proven experience of setting up and maintaining efficient CI/CD practices.
  • Good skills with Docker.
  • Fluent verbal and written English.
  • Strong soft skills.

[Dnipro] [Developer] Full Stack Developer @Kultprosvet

  • 5+ years of commercial experience.
  • Experience in Vue.js.
  • Proficiency with Node.js.
  • Experience in React would be a plus.
  • Excellent English communication skills.

[Dnipro/Remote] [Developer] Full-stack Developer @Kultprosvet

  • 2+ years of experience working as a full-stack developer.
  • Strong knowledge of React JS.
  • At least 2 years of experience building microservices using NodeJS.
  • Experience working with relational databases.
  • NoSQL database knowledge is a plus.

[Dnipro/Remote] [Developer] Middle Node.js Developer @Kultprosvet

  • 2+ years of commercial experience.
  • Experience with Node.js or desire to switch to Node.js.
  • Experience in frontend development will be a plus, preferably with Typescript.
  • PostgreSQL / MySQL, MongoDB is not a requirement but as an advantage.
  • Experience with AWS services is desirable (EC2, Redshift, Lambda).
  • Experience in integrating with Amazon.com is desirable. You will need to use the Amazon Selling Partner API https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Tech Lead @Fulcrum

  • 3+ years experience in software development.
  • Node.js.
  • Kubernetes.
  • Knowledge of how to develop applications in a secure manner that meet the principles of OWASP.
  • Knowledge of source code management using version control and CI/CD at across DEV-UAT-PRD environments.
  • Knowledge of software design: OOD, paradigms of distributed applications, corporate standards for the distributed systems and microservices.
  • Experience with Agile methodologies to align with business priorities, break down work into Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and iterate quickly on product changes.
  • Knowledge of one or more of the following relational database management systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MariaDB.
  • AWS\GCP.
  • Docker.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Backend (Node.js) Developer @Fulcrum

  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript \ TypeScript (1,5+ years).
  • Experience with Node.js (1,5+ years).
  • Strong knowledge of OOP \ OOD, Design Patterns, and their usage.
  • Knowledge of Redis.
  • Experience with SQL (PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB/DynamoDB) databases.
  • Experience with Git.
  • Understanding of the working principles with Docker.
  • Experience with the integration of social networks and payment systems.
  • Intermediate English level.

[Remote] [Developer] Node.js developer @Zazmic

  • 3+ years of full-time work experience as a backend software engineer.
  • Familiar with the ES6 (ECMAScript 6) standard of Javascript, have development experience using ES6 standard.
  • Comfortable working with databases including schema design, and query optimizations. ​Plus​: Experience working with MongoDB.
  • Have a passion for efficient and well written code.
  • Complex software systems development with production quality deployment, monitoring and reliability.
  • Ability to decompose complex business problems and collaborate in solving them.
  • Comfort with ambiguity and rapidly changing requirements.
  • Growth mindset. Collaboration with a healthy balance of humility and confidence.
  • Plus: Familiar with Microservices, Google Cloud Platform is preferred.

[Remote] [Developer] Node.js developer @Zazmic

  • 3+ years of full-time work experience as a backend software engineer.
  • Familiar with the ES6 (ECMAScript 6) standard of Javascript, have development experience using ES6 standard.
  • Comfortable working with databases including schema design, and query optimizations. ​Plus​: Experience.
  • Working with MongoDB.
  • Have a passion for efficient and well written code.
  • Complex software systems development with production quality deployment, monitoring and reliability.
  • Ability to decompose complex business problems and collaborate in solving them.
  • Comfort with ambiguity and rapidly changing requirements.
  • Growth mindset. Collaboration with a healthy balance of humility and confidence.
  • Plus: Familiar with Microservices, Google Cloud Platform is preferred.

[Remote] [Developer] Node.js developer @Zazmic

  • 3+ years in webapp development.
  • Experience developing a node.js in a leadership position.
  • Expert understanding of Node.js and frameworks available for it (such as Express.js, Koa).
  • Understanding modular system of NodeJS and knowledge most popular modules (like WS, Sequelize, Swagger).
  • Knowledge of CI approaches including unit and end to end testing.
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Gitlab.
  • English (Intermediate or higher).
  • Strong knowledge RDBMS like Postgres and MySQL.
  • Docker.
  • Code quality tools (ESLint, prettier, husky, etc.).
  • Development of REST API.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Middle/Senior Node.js developer @Davinci Travel System

  • Опыт серверной разработки, в частности, на NodeJS – от 3-х лет.
  • Хороший опыт разработки на JavaScript.
  • Опыт разработки нагруженных отказоустойчивых систем.
  • Умение работать с серверной инфраструктурой: Nginx, Docker, и т.п.
  • Принятие релевантных архитектурных решений.
  • Знание английского на разговорном уровне будет преимуществом.
  • Стэк технологий: nodejs, express, koa, mongodb, google compute cloud, redis, docker, AWSRest API, web sockets, Docker, CI/CD, Microservices architecture.

[Mykolaiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior FullStack Engineer (Node.js/React.js) @Postindustria

  • 3 years of commercial development experience.
  • At least 2 years of experience with ES6.
  • Node.js including Express.js framework.
  • OR: an experienced all-around full stack developer (any language).
  • React & Redux or another modern JS framework (Angular, VueJs).
  • Practical experience with different RDBs (Postgres, MySQL).
  • Ability for analytical thinking and protect your solution design under the code review.
  • English speaking skills (good enough to have daily stand-ups with foreign colleagues).

[Kyiv] [Developer] Middle/Senior Node. js Developer @Національні інформаційні системи 

  • Відмінні знання JavaScript (включаючи ECMAScript 6 +);
  • глибоке розуміння принципів розробки під Node.js;
  • розуміння і практичне використання Design Patterns;
  • вміння писати SOLID код і покривати його тестами (Jest / Mocha);
  • досвід побудови API з використанням REST;
  • впевнений користувач Git, Docker, Swagger;
  • розуміння основних процесів CI;
  • розуміння принципів зберігання даних у реляційних і NoSQL БД;
  • оптимізація, профілювання коду та SQL запитів;
  • розуміння принципів, етапів і методів командної розробки ПЗ;
  • аналітичне мислення.

[Kyiv] [Developer] NodeJS / JavaScript Developer @SMTP.com

  • 3+ Years of NodeJS development.
  • Understanding of modern JavaScript – ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and later.
  • At least a basic knowledge of HTML / CSS.
  • Ability to write SQL queries and design basic database schemas (MySQL).
  • Experience with Version Control (Git).
  • Willingness to learn new technologies and skills.

[Khmelnytskyi/Remote] [Developer] Middle/Senior Node.js Developer @AllRight 

  • 2+ года опыта работы с JavaScript.
  • Опыт работы с серверным JavaScript: Node.js, Express.js.
  • Понимание принципов ООП, базовых шаблонов проектирования.
  •  Умение проектировать БД, написание SQL запросов, опыт работы с PostgreSQL.
  • Понимание HTTP APIs: REST, JSON, OAuth, кросс-доменные запросы, Security.
  • Владение git.
  • Хорошие знания HTML5 и CSS3.

[Khmelnytskyi/Remote] [Developer] Full Stack JavaScript Developer @AllRight 

  • 1+ года опыта работы с JavaScript.
  • Опыт работы с серверным JavaScript: Node.js, Express.js.
  • Опыт работы с одним из фреймворков: Ember.js, React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js.
  • Хорошие знания HTML5 и CSS3.
  • Понимание HTTP APIs: REST, JSON, OAuth, кросс-доменные запросы, Security.
  • Опыт работы с git.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Backend Developer (node.js) @Join.To.IT

  • 3+ years commercial experience building web applications;
  • good knowledge of JavaScript;
  • commercial experience with Node.js/Typescript;
  • experience with Utilities (ideal) or Telecoms (BSS) is a plus;
  • English – Intermediate or higher;
  • team player.

Раздел Recruitika на AIN.UA был запущен в конце октября 2020 и за это время в нем опубликовано 4000 вакансий в индустриях GameDev, FinTech, AdTech, TravelTech и сервисном бизнесе, которые собрали 310 000 просмотров.

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