30 вакансий для Golang-разработчиков с зарплатами до $7000

05 августа, 2021, 09:40 861
30 вакансий для Golang-разработчиков с зарплатами до $7000

В этом дайджесте вы найдете 30 вакансий для разработчиков на Golang. Среди них есть варианты для очень опытных специалистов и несколько стажировок для совсем юных программистов. Чтобы подписаться на новые вакансии по этому тегу — перейдите по ссылке, задавайте нужные фильтры, пока не останутся только подходящие вакансии, а затем нажмите на тумблер «подписаться».

[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Software Engineer – CONTAINER RUNTIME @Liquid Technology

  • 5+ years experience in software development and deployment.
  • Systems level programming experience, in particular POSIX-based operating system architectures.
  • Strong problem solving and debugging skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, and an ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a remote team.
  • Experience programming in Golang and/or C.
  • Identify, analyze, and resolve complex software design problems.
  • Experience with existing container technologies.
  • Experience working at the kernel level.
  • Exposure to scientific computing / machine learning workflows.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Software Engineer – CLOUD NATIVE @Liquid Technology

  • 3+ years experience in software development and deployment.
  • Experience deploying kubernetes on cloud and/or on-prem infrastructure.
  • Knowledge in distributed systems, APIs, cloud computing and scalability.
  • Experience programming in Golang.
  • Hands-on experience with Kubernetes, install with helm.
  • Experience with existing container technologies.
  • Experience working with hypervisor technology.
  • Excellent communication skills, and an ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a remote team.

[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior Go Engineer/Team Lead (no legacy, новий проект) @EVO

  • 5+ років досвіду індустріального програмування з проектами середнього/великого розміру;
  • 3+ року використання go або ж просто добре розуміння технології та досвід використання go в продакшені;
  • досвід конкурентного програмування на будь-якій мові — важливе розуміння, які є підходи, і навіщо це потрібно в цілому;
  • досвід використання будь-яких SQL та NoSQL рішень, і розуміння причин використання кожного в конкретному випадку (наприклад, чому MongoDB замість Postgres, або чому Postgres замість Cassandra);
  • досвід профілювання додатків, написаних на будь-якій мові, використання метрик + досвід усунення «performance bottleneck»;
  • впевнені аналітичні здібності — необхідно буде не просто робити фичи за описом, але продумувати функціонал починаючи від неформалізованих вимог, вибирати найбільш відповідне рішення і реалізовувати його;
  • розуміння принципів SOLID, DRY, KISS, їх необхідність, і важливість «чистоти» коду в цілому;
  • вміння взаємодіяти в команді — не просто абстрактне «team player» але реальне вміння (досвід) знаходити компроміс в спірних моментах, і завжди бути відкритим до обговорення;
  • лідерські якості — вміння та бажання приймати рішення і брати на себе відповідальність, брати участь в побудові процесів та розробки продукту на «верхньому» рівні;
  • як мінімум, бажання виконувати роль лідера команди в розрізі комунікації;
  • продакт інжиніринговий підхід: Команда продуктова, тому нам важливо, щоб розробник був продуктово орієнтований. Це означає, що розробник не просто виконує поставлене завдання, а розуміє проблеми бізнесу, які вирішує це завдання, і може запропонувати більш оптимальне рішення, якщо таке існує, або показати, що ця задача не має цінності.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Golang Developer @Solid

  • Глибокі знання Golang;
  • розуміння принципів побудови високонавантажених систем;
  • знання Docker, AMQP (бажано RabbitMQ);
  • досвід роботи з реляційними БД PostgreSQL;
  • розуміння мікросервісної архітектури.

[Kyiv] [Developer] Golang developer @EvoPlay

  • Опыт коммерческой разработки на Go от 1 года.
  • Понимание OOP / SOLID.
  • Умение пользоваться отладчиком.
  • Опыт создания коммерческих продуктов с использованием MongoDB, Postgresql, Redis.
  • Хорошее знание Linux.
  • Опыт написания тестов (acceptance/integration/unit).

[Kharkiv] [Developer] Senior Golang Engineer @NIX Solutions

  • Опыт работы в коммерческих проектах от 5+ лет;
  • уверенные навыки программирования на Golang (микросервисы);
  • знание Kafka, PostgreSQL, Redis, gRPC, Docker, MinIO, Greylog, Prometheus, Ansible, Deployer;
  • будет плюсом — понимание PHP и Symfony 4;
  • готовность к сложным, объемным задачам;
  • желание улучшать продукт и привносить свежие идеи.

[Kharkiv] [Developer] Middle Golang developer @NIX Solutions

  • Опыт работы в коммерческих проектах от 2+ лет;
  • уверенные навыки программирования на Golang (микросервисы);
  • знание Kafka, PostgreSQL, Redis, gRPC, Docker, MinIO, Greylog, Prometheus, Ansible, Deployer;
  • будет плюсом — понимание PHP и Symfony 4;
  • готовность к сложным, объемным задачам;
  • желание улучшать продукт и привносить свежие идеи.

[Kharkiv] [Developer] Junior Golang Developer @NIX Solutions

  • Уверенное знание Golang и понимание concurrency модели языка;
  • отличное знание HTTP протокола;
  • владение HTML, CSS, JavaScript на базовом уровне и стремление к совершенству;
  • знание SQL, опыт работы с одной из реляционных БД;
  • навыки работы с Git;
  • понимаешь, что инглиш – наше все, поэтому совершенствуешь знания в этой области;

[Kharkiv] [Developer] Intern Golang Fullstack Developer @NIX Solutions

  • Знание теории о работе Интернета: из чего он состоит и как происходит обмен информацией в сети;
  • понимание работы СУБД (любой, одной из), базовые знание SQL и принципов нормализации БД;
  • базовые знания языка Go (как строить циклы, условия и т.д.);
  • базовое понимание concurrency модели языка;
  • базовые знания языка разметки HTML (основные теги, структура страницы);
  • понимание работы любой системы контроля версий.

[Remote] [Developer] Intern Golang Developer @NIX Solutions

  • Новичок, который хочет начать свой путь в IT;
  • студент или выпускник технических специальностей;
  • специалист из другой сферы, желающий войти в IT;
  • ІТ-специалист из других направлений.

[Remote] [Developer] Middle / Senior Golang developer @Naym

  • Experience in commercial development from 2+ years.
  • Understanding ACID principles and how relational databases work.
  • Experience with Redis, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch.
  • Experience in profiling Golang code.
  • Ability to work with someone else’s code.
  • Availability of experience and expertise in related industries.

[Remote] [Developer] Golang developer @ Naym

  • Experience in commercial development from 2+ years.
  • Understanding ACID principles and how relational databases work.
  • Experience with Redis, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch.
  • Experience in profiling Golang code.
  • Ability to work with someone else’s code.
  • Availability of experience and expertise in related industries.

[Kharkiv] [Developer] Lead Transcoding Engineer @Techstack

  • Experience with Transcoding/Encoding.
  • Knowledge of FFMPEG.
  • Familiarity with Dolby Hybrik, AWS Elemental, or similar.
  • Experience with compiled languages for backend web applications: GoLang (preferred), Java, C++, etc.
  • Experience with OTT.
  • HLS and/or DASH.
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI), Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI), Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) Streaming, etc.
  • 8 years of experience in a relevant field (engineering, physics, mathematics, etc).
  • Skills in Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, Cloudformation, Kubernetes, Helm.
  • Knowledge in GitHub, GitHub Actions.
  • Experience with Jenkins, Circleci, Ansible, Salt, etc.
  • Experience with Microservices Architecture.
  • Using Testing Best Practices: Unit Tests, Automated test suites.
  • Knowledge and understanding of Software Design Best Practices: Encapsulation, Decoupling.
  • Upper-Intermediate level of English or higher.
  • Ability to work a regular on-call rotation shared equally between the team members.

[Remote] [Developer] Senior Go Deleloper @Adraba Limited Technologies

  • Strong knowledge of Go programming language, paradigms, constructs, and idioms.
  • Knowledge of common Goroutine and channel patterns.
  • Experience with the full site of Go frameworks and tools.
  • Dependency management tools such as Godep, Sltr, etc.
  • Go’s templating language.
  • Go’s code generation tools, such as Stringer.
  • Popular Go web frameworks, such as Revel.
  • Router packages, such as Gorilla Mux.
  • Ability to write clean and effective Godoc comments.
  • Familiarity with code versioning tools such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial.
  • 5 or more years working in Go, Kubernetes and microservices.
  • Computer Science degree preferred but not necessary with equivalent real world experience that is demonstrable.

[Remote] [Developer] Senior Platform/Tools Developer for Exabeam (CloudOps team) @Daxx 

  • Development background (4-5 years) using Golang OR Java/Python with a willingness to switch to Golang is a must.
  • Cloud experience (either Google or AWS), understand CI/CD using Jenkins, Github is a must.
  • Deep working experience with at least one of open-source software like Kubernetes, Prometheus, Istio, or other related CNCF technologies and frameworks.
  • Experience with large scale distributed systems and performance, solving reliability, scalability issues that arise in such systems.
  • Experience maintaining top level SLA when operating such complex systems.
  • Ability to work productively with global development teams.
  • A desire to solve challenging problems.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in computer science or equivalent experience.

[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Golang Engineer for Brainly @Daxx 

  • 4+ years of experience writing web services in a general-purpose programming language, at least 1 year in Go.
  • Experience with databases/data stores.
  • Understanding of core testing principles.
  • High level of self-organization, ability to make your own decisions.
  • Ability to brainstorm and co-create new solutions, both business and technical.
  • Team player attitude and great communications skills.
  • Ability to learn fast.
  • Great attention to detail.

[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior SRE/Cloud Engineer for Exabeam @Daxx 

  • A strong passion for SRE/DevOps and running highly resilient/automated systems.
  • Deep working experience on at least one public cloud (GCP/AWS) and open-source software like Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Prometheus, Istio, etc.
  • Infrastructure as a code mindset.
  • Ideally strong experience with Kubernetes and related CNCF technologies and frameworks.
  • Experience deploying large scale distributed systems and performance, reliability, scalability issues that arise in such systems. Experience maintaining top level SLA when operating such complex systems.
  • Development experience using languages such as Golang, Python .
  • Previous development experience using languages such as Golang, Python OR experience with other languages and willingness to switch to Golang.
  • Ability to work productively with the rest of the development team.
  • A desire to solve challenging problems.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in computer science or equivalent experience.
  • Willingness to visit our Kyiv office at least once a month.

[Dnipro/Remote] [Developer] Golang developer for Rakuten project @Zazmic

  • Golang.
  • Kafka.
  • Postgres.
  • Docker.

[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] GOLANG SOFTWARE ENGINEER @N-iX

  • Experience developing enterprise applications using .NET Core or Golang (preferred).
  • Development experience with microservices and REST interfaces.
  • Development experience with Kubernetes and Docker.
  • Development experience with SQL (Postgresql preferred) and No-SQL databases.
  • Demonstrated experience with Agile, TDD, CI/CD, and unit testing.
  • Aptitude and desire to learn, apply, and espouse new technical concepts.
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Must be a self-motivated, creative problem-solver with strong attention to detail.

[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] MIDDLE GOLANG ENGINEER @N-iX

  • Commercial experience with Golang, good understanding of the cloud native ecosystem.
  • Experience with modern software development practises (continuous deployment, testing, etc..).
  • Experience with Linux, networking, security, cryptography, distributed systems, distributed databases.
  • Experience with productive containerised runtime (Kubernetes, Openshift, Docker, CRI-O) and software defined infrastructure (Ansible, Terraform) is a plus.
  • Experience with Angular and TypeScript is a plus.
  • Ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others.
  • A sense of urgency and ownership over the product.
  • Intellectually curious, passionate, and inventive.
  • Focus on quality and simplicity, sweat the details, and delight our users.
  • Motivated to solve problems in unique and innovative ways.

[Dnipro] [Developer] Senior Golang Engineer @Lohika

  • 3-5 years of experience designing and developing highly scalable distributed systems and APIs in Golang.
  • Desire to establish architectural decision, strong fundamentals in data structures and algorithms.
  • Experience deploying services in Kubernetes or similar container infrastructure.
  • Good understanding of AWS security principles.
  • Proven ability to design and build DevOps infrastructure.
  • Experience with gRPC, Protobuf, OpenAPI.
  • Experience with messaging systems such as NUTS, RabbitMQ, Kafka, SQS.
  • Experience with SQL Databases like Postgres.
  • Good communication and collaboration skills.
  • Upper-intermediate English.

[Odesa] [Developer] Golang Engineer @Lohika

  • 3+ years of extensive Back-end development.
  • Proven experience with Golang.
  • Understanding of microservices architecture, highly scalable distributed systems.
  • Experience with containerized applications development, Docker.
  • Experience with Kubernetes.
  • Experience with SQL and NoSQL Databases.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS, EKS.
  • Knowledge of OAuth2, APIs and protocols such as WebSockets or MQTT.
  • Upper-Intermediate English.

[Kharkiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior Golang Developer @Unit Space

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, applied mathematics, or related technical discipline  from a top university.
  • At least 5 years of back-end, server-side software development. 
  • Strong experience with server-side languages: Golang, TypeScript/Node.js.
  • Strong experience with SQL databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL and some experience with  GraphQL and/or Redis.
  • Confident with RESTful API design.
  • Great with unit and functional testing and debugging.
  • Experience with microservices and service-oriented architectures.
  • Experience in Git/GitHub and branching methodologies, code review tools and CI tools.
  • Great at algorithm design, problem solving and complexity analysis.
  • Fluent English.

[Kharkiv/Remote] [Developer] Middle Golang Developer (Hyperledger Fabric) @Unit Space

  • Level- Middle (3+).
  • Must have Requirements – Golang, Hyperledger Fabric (2+ years).
  • Golang, Hyperledger Fabric/Sawtooth.
  • Architecture: Microservices, SOA, REST, Distributed systems.
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, CouchDB, LevelDB.
  • Network protocols: HTTP/HTTPS, WebSocket, gRPC, GOSSIP, SMTP.
  • System control version: Git.

[Kyiv/Kharkiv] [Developer] Golang Developer @DataArt

  • 3+ years of development experience with Go.
  • Experience developing server applications.
  • Understanding Go’s concurrency mechanisms.
  • Experience with microservices.
  • Experience developing and implementing data-driven applications based on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB) solutions.
  • Experience with performance optimization in SQL databases.
  • Experience writing RESTful APIs and an understanding of the HTTP protocol.
  • Experience with SCRUM/Agile development methodologies.
  • Experience writing unit and integration tests.
  • Understanding business needs.
  • Good communication skills in English, both oral and written.

[Lviv] [Developer] Middle Golang Developer @Talentbyte

  • 3+ years of relevant work experience.
  • Golang.
  • Linux / macOS.
  • PostgreSQL / CockroachDB.
  • Bash & GNU Make.
  • Git.
  • HTTP.

[Mykolaiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior FullStack Engineer (Golang) @Postindustria

  • Высокий уровень знания любого general-purpose языка программирования (одного или более).
  • Опыт back-end & front-end разработки web приложений.
  • Знание JS / ECMAScript 8+.
  • Хорошее знание и опыт с любой RDMS.
  • Базовое понимание структур данных, алгоритмов, оценки их сложности.
  • Общее понимание принципов работы Unix-подобных операционных систем и компьютерных сетей.
  • Уровень английского языка: B1-B2.

[Remote] [Developer] Middle Golang developer @Gemini Advisory

  • Golang;
  • Apache Kafka;
  • NOSQL: Elastic, MongoDB, Redis;
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a related field of study, or some other similar level of educational background, is preferred.

[Remote] [Developer] Full-stack generalist engineer (start-up) @Indigo

  • Full-stack generalist engineer.
  • Desire to write high-quality code.
  • Rapid, self-directed learner.
  • Experience with web applications and databases is helpful.
  • Elixir experience is a bonus.
  • Enjoys feedback culture.
  • Product interest / experience (“ориентированность на продукт”).
  • Coding as a hobby.

[Remote] [Developer] Senior Golang Developer @NCube

  • Excellent knowledge of Go (we use mainly Gin framework for APIs, Gorm for database interaction or play SQL).
  • Excellent knowledge of SQL.
  • Good Knowledge of Algorithms.
  • Good knowledge of general network systems (how IPs work, how to connect to SNMP, how to run pings and portscans).
  • Good knowledge of Linux systems (primarily Debian/Ubuntu. Know how to setup your own environment, how to execute commands to monitor a server since these will need to be integrated in the software that you write).
  • Great Agility, ability to work on live code when needed.
  • Willingness to test your own code and make sure the code is as bug free as possible. No code is going to be marked as done unless you run at least basic tests assuring basic functionality works and error reporting works in case invalid data is submitted.
  • Very good experience with Code Security: we operate in a sensitive area and have constant attacks on our infrastructure. All the software written must be secure according to the OWASP general rules and the best practices.
  • Excellent English communication.

Раздел Recruitika на AIN.UA был запущен в конце октября 2020 и за это время в нем опубликовано 5200 вакансий в индустриях GameDev, FinTech, AdTech, TravelTech и сервисном бизнесе, которые собрали 310 000 просмотров.

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