Сегодня в нашем дайджесте 20 актуальных вакансий в сферах Data Science и Machine Learning. Чтобы подписаться на новые вакансии по этому тегу — перейдите по ссылке, задавайте нужные фильтры, пока не останутся только подходящие вакансии, а затем нажмите на тумблер.

[Kyiv] [Data Science] Data Scientist @Genesis
- 1+ рік працюєш на позиції Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer / Data Analyst;
- впевнено володієш Python і різними бібліотеками;
- маєш знання і досвід використання математичної статистики і алгоритмів машинного навчання;
- розумієш відмінності, а також плюси / мінуси різних методів машинного навчання;
- вільно володієш SQL;
- маєш широкий кругозір і бажаєш вчитися. Компанія швидко росте, тому тобі доведеться освоювати нові технології та адаптуватися до змін;
- ти ініціативний і відповідальний. Людина, яку ми шукаємо — це не просто виконавець технічного завдання. Важливо висловлювати думку, доносити її до колег і приймати відповідальні рішення.
[Lviv/Remote] [Data Science] Data Scientist (Advanced Analytics) @SoftServe

- Ph.D. or Master’s Degree in Computer Science or related field.
- Practical expertise and extensive knowledge in Applied Statistics and Data Mining to identify hidden patterns in data, evaluate current data flow, or develop a new one.
- Outstanding communication and presentation skills, including translation of complex concepts in clear, concise, and meaningful ways, that non-technical audience can easily understand.
- Strong knowledge of SoTA in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and their application to solving complex problems.
- Expertise in more than one Data Science Specializations: NLP, Time Series Analysis, CV, Recommender Systems, and others.
- Understanding of Machine Learning operationalization processes.
- Working on complex projects where independent judgment is used within a broad range of defined procedures and practices.
- Understanding the concept of Software Development Life Cycles of AI projects.
- Upper-Intermediate English level or higher.
[Kharkiv] [Data Science] Middle Data Scientist @NIX
- Высшее или неоконченное высшее образование в IT или физико-математическом направлении;
- опыт участия в DataScience проектах;
- знание основ статистики и теории вероятностей;
- знание основных методов кластеризации и классификации;
- знание классического ML, нейронных сетей и Deep Learning;
- знание и базовый опыт программирования на Python;
- знание библиотек для работы с данными numpy, pandas;
- знакомство с фреймвёрками TensorFlow или PyTorch;
- опыт работы с базами данных и знание языка SQL;
- письменный английский на уровне Intermediate или выше.
[Dnipro] [Data Science] Data Scientist @Murka

- Masters degree with at least 2 years of relevant experience in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science.
- Strong background in probability and statistics.
- Hands-on experience and a good understanding of various machine learning algorithms (linear regression, decision trees, random forest, gradient boosting, time series analysis, etc.).
- Good R/Python skills.
- Strong SQL skills – ability to write structured and efficient queries on large data sets.
- Experience with A/B testing and other forms of causal inference.
- Great data visualization and presentation skills.
[Dnipro/Kyiv] [Developer] ML Engineer @Murka

- Knowledge of Python and SQL.
- Experience with Pandas, Numpy.
- Experience with Docker.
- Experience with Linux, Git and CI/CD.
[Remote] [Data Science] Senior/Lead Data Scientist @ITExpert
- Опыт в Data-Science;
- практический опыт работы с классическими алгоритмами машинного обучения;
- опыт разработки на Python;
- применять сложные математические модели к проблемам, возникающим при торговле финансовыми инструментами.
[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] AWS Data Engineer (ETL Developer) @ITExpert
- Досвід ETL.
- Буде плюсом досвід з Hadoop.
- AWS.
- Знання PL/SQL.
[Dnipro/Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Data Engineer for Seeking Alpha @Ciklum
- Bsc in CS/Mathematics/Statistics/Physics/EE or equivalent experience.
- 5+ years of proven experience developing large-scale software using an object-oriented or a functional language.
- Outstanding Software Engineering skills.
- Proven experience with cloud-based data pipeline/backend services, using AWS.
- Proficient with relational and non-relational data modeling.
- Proficient with stream processing using the current industry standards (e.g. Akka, AWS Kinesis, Kafka, Spark, Flink, etc.).
- Familiarity with a variety of big data frameworks and tools, including EMR, – Athena, Glue, Airflow, etc.
- High-level English – a must.
- A team player with excellent collaboration skills.
[Kyiv/Remote] [Data Science] Senior Data Scientist @Ciklum
- 2+ years of experience in machine learning, the experience in at least one of the next domains will be a plus: Predictive Analytics, Recommendation Systems, NLP.
- Expertise in Python and SQL.
- Strong foundation in data structures, algorithms, statistics, and machine learning.
- Detail-attentive to a fault.
- Mother-tongue level English paired with outstanding written and verbal communication skills.
- Strong self-management, consistently meets and beats deadlines.
- A team player with excellent collaboration skills.
[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] ML Engineer, Social Networking Platform @DataArt

- BS degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics, or a related field.
- 5+ years of experience working/training in data product creation (recommendations, predictions, NLP).
- Contributed to large codebases in Scala, Java or Python.
- Solid experience using machine learning frameworks to reliably build, validate, test, and monitor statistical models.
- Implementation of machine learning algorithms in cloud and scale-out environments (MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark).
- Experience with relational and NoSQL databases (DynamoDB, Redis) and RESTful API.
- Spoken English.
[Remote] [Developer] Senior Big Data Developer for AgileLab @Daxx

- 3-5 years of experience as a Big Data Engineer.
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science.
- In-depth knowledge of Hadoop, Spark, and similar frameworks.
- Strong knowledge of Scala or Java with a willingness to switch to Scala.
- Expert in cloud-native technologies, IaC, and Docker tools.
- Ability to solve complex networking, data, and software issues.
- Business and functional understanding.
- Excellent project management skills.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Proactivity.
- Team Player.
- Leadership capabilities.
[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Software and Data Engineer for AltoData @Daxx

- Have at least 5 years of experience with data-centric systems.
- Be a “data first, everything else second” engineer.
- SQL black belt.
- Logical data modeling.
- Solid understanding of how databases work, indexing strategies, etc.
- Understanding of data warehousing techniques.
- Be competent in programming languages including Python.
- Know how RESTful APIs work, and preferably have written/delivered some.
- Have a robust, broad understanding of the full stack.
- Networking principles (addressing, routing, security, etc.).
- RBAC security models.
- Security (SSL, certificates, etc.).
- Unix shell.
- Understand the concepts of, and have some experience dealing with: JSON, XML, Cloud providers of one sort or another.
[Remote] [Data Science] Senior Data Scientist @CNA International IT

- 4+ years of experience with data analytics and statistical modeling.
- Advanced experience working with relational databases, such as SQL.
- Advanced programming skills with Python or R.
- Experience working within an open source environment.
- Strong quantitative and problem-solving skills with key attention to detail.
- Ability to manage multiple projects with tight deadlines, follow through to completion, and present conclusions of analysis to senior management in an organised and thoughtful manner.
- Experience working with specialty finance or FinTech is a plus.
- Start-up experience is a plus.
[Kyiv] [Data Science] Data scientist @FOZZY GROUP Логістика

- Высшее математическое образование.
- Опыт работы 1,5-2 года в качестве Data scientist в розничных компаниях, розничных банках или телеком компаниях (желательно, но не обязательно).
- Уверенное знание БД MSSQL и Python – обязательно.
- Уверенные знания и применение методов математической статистики.
- Владение навыками Machine Learning.
[Remote] [Developer] ML Engineer @Competera

- 1-2 years of relevant experience as ML Engineer or MLOps.
- Good knowledge of ML theory and practice – pros & cons of different model types, validation, metrics, hyperparameter tuning, interpretability.
- Python 3.х, VCS (git), software engineering skills.
- Hands-on experience with scientific Python toolkit: numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, jupyter-tools, seaborn, plotly, etc.
- Hands-on experience with one of DL frameworks: Keras / Tensorflow / PyTorch.
- Command of SQL.
[Remote] [Data Science] Data Scientist @Playrix

- Отличная математическая подготовка — знание теории вероятностей и методов математического анализа на уровне выпускника технического вуза;
- опыт разработки систем машинного обучения;
- опыт разработки на Python от 1 года;
- опыт работы с NumPy, Pandas от 1 года;
- опыт работы с SQL от 1 года;
- опыт работы с задачами маркетинговой или продуктовой аналитики;
- будет плюсом опыт с Tableau, Cython или C, SciPy, Tensorflow, Keras, CatBoost;
- интерес к играм и разработке игр.
[Kharkiv/Remote] [Developer] Machine Learning Engineer @It-Jim

- Has 1+ years of experience in machine learning/data science.
- Has a good understanding of algorithms and data structures.
- Is not afraid of unsolved and challenging problems.
- Is able to read research papers and reproduce the results via prototyping of the methods.
- Is confident in Python and its libraries (numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scipy).
- Is strong in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics.
- Is experienced in git.
- Is familiar with Tensorflow, Keras and/or Pytorch.
- Is a good team player and has experience in teamwork.
- Is strong in written and spoken English (at least intermediate).
[Kyiv] [DevOps] DevOps / MLOps / Керівник проектів з розвитку моніторингу сервісів Банку @Альфа-Банк Украина

- Досвід адміністрування і підтримки Elastic Stack, Splunk;
- досвід збору, синтаксичного аналізу та збагачення журналів за допомогою Elastic beats, logstash, syslog-ng, rsyslog;
- досвід аналізу, кореляції і візуалізації подій за допомогою інструментів Elastic stack і Grafana;
- досвід роботи з Python в частині DS, ML або AI;
- досвід в побудові машинного навчання на базі Elastic stack, Python;
- впевнене володіння SQL;
- досвід в моніторингу додатків та інфраструктури.
[Kyiv/Remote] [Data Science] Data Scientist (R&D) @Uklon
- Досвід роботи з Python (статистичні та ML пакети);
- знання вищої математики, теорії ймовірностей, математичної та прикладної статистики;
- наявність успішних кейсів інтеграції DS логік у роботу продукту;
- наявність прикладів успішних інсайтів виявлення неочевидних патернів роботи продукту;
- експертні знання в SQL;
- знання Git та Gitflow Workflow;
- ML serving tools: Kubeflow, MLFlow;
- ETLs Tools (one of): Airflow, AWS Glue.
[Mykolaiv/Remote] [Developer] ML Engineer for the AR project @Postindustria

- English.
- Math: linear algebra, calculus, statistics, smoothing, nonlinear optimizations.
- Algorithms, data structures.
- Basics of CV algorithms.
- Tensorflow, Keras, NumPy, Jupyter, Sklearn.
- Python (JS will be plus).
- Strong understanding of machine learning: you should be familiar with the process (data collection, training, evaluation, and making iterative improvements) of building effective learning systems.
- 3D graphics (Be familiar with vertex, edge face concepts of 3d model. Know about transformations: affine, similarity, perspective. Be able to convert between cartesian and homogeneous coordinates).
- Ability to quickly learn new things, read whitepapers and try to reproduce their work by description.
Recruitika — сервис анонимного мониторинга предложений работы от IT-компаний. Для тех, кто уже ищет новую работу, не прекращая текущую. И для тех, кто просто хочет иметь план Б. Узнать больше о том, как это работает можно здесь.