MES launches the scientific search engine Open Ukrainian Citation Index

13 November, 2019, 15:00 310
MES launches the scientific search engine Open Ukrainian Citation Index

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) has launched the Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) scientific service. According to the information on the website, this is a search engine and a citation database.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the search engine indexes all sources that support the standard of the Initiative for Open Citations – now it is the majority of scientific publications in the world.

  • OUCI is free of cost.
  • The service is available in English.
  • Currently, the database contains 109 million publications from all over the world, 167,816 of them are from Ukraine.
  • The MES has spent no additional funds toward the development of OUCI – the search engine was created as part of the standard funding of scientific activities.
  • Compared to Google Scholar, OUCI has open standards for content. There are no unlicensed documents or quotations (e.g. articles in regional newspapers).
  • One of the advantages of the service is the filters, which help to filter out the results.
  • The MES assures that the authority will not use or make decisions based on data from OUCI. It is just a scientific tool for scientists, students, scientific magazine editors, etc.
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