Ukrainian woman is among the top 100 influential and inspiring women from around the world for 2020

25 November, 2020, 19:04 266
Ukrainian woman is among the top 100 influential and inspiring women from around the world for 2020

BBC has published a list of the most influential and inspiring women of the year. It includes Anastasia Volkova, an entrepreneur and agricultural innovator from Ukraine. She founded Flurosat, a startup that provides technological services to agricultural businesses around the world.

Anastasia Volkova. Photo: BBC Ukraine

Anastasia was included in the list in the Knowledge category. Besides her, 31 other women are mentioned in this category: scientists, activists, lawyers, teachers.

About Flurosat

According to BBC Ukraine, the service works by subscription and helps farmers to obtain various data on the state of their crops. Flurosat analyzes satellite images of the fields, photos taken by drones, applies AI technology, and, based on the information received, advises farmers on how best to handle the harvest.

A user can get hints and recommendations on irrigation, fertilizer use, potential yield of a field, etc. According to Flurosat, the system allows identifying potential crop problems long before they become visible to the naked eye.

Today more than a thousand companies from 15 countries use the services of Flurosat. The startup has a development team in Ukraine. Anastasia lives in Australia.

More about Anastasia Volkova

Anastasia Volkova graduated from the National Aviation University in Kyiv. Then she received her master’s degree at the Warsaw University of Technology. In 2015, she moved to Australia to study science. In 2018, she defended her doctoral thesis at the University of Sydney.

Previously, Anastasia Volkova was included in the list of innovators under 35, according to MIT Technology Review, a magazine owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the most prestigious technical universities in the world.

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