15 вакансій для Machine Learning-інженерів із зарплатою до $8000

14 жовтня, 2022, 10:30 192
15 вакансій для Machine Learning-інженерів із зарплатою до $8000

Цей дайджест складається з 15 найцікавіших вакансій для ML-інженерів і розробників, які хочуть працювати ML-продуктом, із зарплатою до $8000. Щоб підписатися на нові вакансії з тегом “Machine Learning” — натисніть на посилання, встановлюйте необхідні фільтри доти, поки не залишаться тільки відповідні вакансії, а потім натисніть тумблер «підписатися».


[Kyiv] [Developer] Machine Learning Engineer (PlantIn) @Genesis

  • Досвід роботи з Machine Learning алгоритмами від 2+ років.
  • Сильні технічні навички в галузі аналізу даних, статистики та програмування. Аналітичне/математичне мислення.
  • Відмінні знання в галузі Machine Learning з використанням Python та фреймворків TensorFlow, PyTorch.
  • Знання апарату Deep Learning, Residual Networks, SimCLRv2.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Machine Learning Engineer (PlantIn) @Genesis

  • Досвід роботи з Machine Learning алгоритмами від 2+ років.
  • Сильні технічні навички в галузі аналізу даних, статистики та програмування. Аналітичне/математичне мислення.
  • Відмінні знання в галузі Machine Learning з використанням Python та фреймворків TensorFlow, PyTorch.
  • Знання апарату Deep Learning, Residual Networks, SimCLRv2.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Machine learning, data scientist @WeFuture

  • Proven 2+ years experience as a Machine Learning Engineer.
  • Solid understanding of machine learning fundamentals.
  • Deep knowledge of math, probability, statistics and algorithms.
  • Understanding of data structures, data modeling and software architecture.
  • Expertise in visualizing and manipulating big datasets.
  • Proficiency with a TensorFlow (Keras) or PyTorch.
  • Ability to write robust code in Python.
  • Strong proficiency with basic libraries for machine learning (scikit-learn, matplotib, numpy, pandas).


[Remote] [Developer] ML Platform Engineer @Newxel

  • Experience building end-to-end systems as a Platform Engineer, ML DevOps Engineer, or Data Engineer (or equivalent).
  • Strong software engineering skills in complex real-time systems.
  • Fluency in Python.
  • Experience working with AWS cloud technologies such as Sagemaker or equivalent.
  • Familiarity with orchestration tools such as airflow and mlflow.
  • Exposure to machine learning methodology and best practices.


[Remote] [Developer] ML Engineer @Newxel

  • B.Sc. in Mathematics/Statistics/Physics/Computer Science or a related field.
  • Strong Python background, specific proficiency with ML libraries (Scikit-learn, Pandas, PyTorch, TF, etc.).
  • Practical experience with tabular data and time series.
  • Experience in Microservices architecture, cloud technologies, Docker/K8s.
  • Ability to design and own a feature through all its phases.
  • Fluent English.


[Remote] [Developer] Machine Learning Engineer for Toshiba product @Xenoss

  • Experience in ML/AI related to the images/video processing.
  • Proficient in Python and C++.
  • TensorFlow / Keras / PyTorch.
  • Experience in implementing machine learning algorithms on mobile / embedded devices is a plus.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Staff Full Stack Software Engineer @Sift

  • 8+ years experience designing/delivering highly-available services.
  • Expertise in creating succinct, performant, and easily readable code in Java.
  • Expertise with RESTful services.
  • Experience in Javascript, HTML, CSS, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with distributed systems and/or highly scalable, customer-facing applications.
  • Experience using large-scale NoSQL databases like HBase or BigTable.
  • Experience with cloud infrastructure (e.g. GCP, AWS).
  • Strong Awareness of customer needs and the user experience.
  • Strong communication & collaboration skills – a team-first, product-first mindset.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Full Stack Engineer @Sift

  • 5+ years experience designing/delivering highly-available services.
  • Experience in creating succinct, performant, and easily readable code in Java.
  • Experience in Javascript, HTML, CSS, and related web technologies.
  • Experience with RESTful services.
  • Strong Awareness of customer needs and the user experience.
  • Strong communication & collaboration skills – a team-first, product-first mindset.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Backend Software Engineer @Sift

  • 5+ years experience designing/delivering highly-available services.
  • Experience in creating succinct, performant, and easily readable code in Java.
  • Experience with RESTful services.
  • Strong Awareness of customer needs and the user experience.
  • Strong communication & collaboration skills – a team-first, product-first mindset.


[Lviv/Remote] [Developer] Senior Machine Learning Engineer (Audience segmentation platform) @Sigma Software

Sigma Software
  • 5+ years of hands-on experience in the AI/ML domain.
  • Deep knowledge in one track of ML: NLP and/or image processing, etc.
  • Deep knowledge of Python and experience with popular libraries such as NumPy, pandas, and TensorFlow.
  • Solid knowledge of the State-of-the-Art DS/ML approaches and techniques.
  • Experience in designing and applying solution architectures, taking into account different trade-offs and limitations.
  • Experience with AWS.
  • Experience with traditional NLP tools such as language modeling, word embedding.
  • Strong ability to troubleshoot issues and make ML-system changes as needed to resolve the issue.
  • Upper-Intermediate level of English and above.


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] ML Engineer Team Lead @Tango Me

Tango Me
  • Years of people’s management.
  • Experience managing a multidisciplinary team- an advantage.
  • Advanced Python knowledge.
  • Good understanding of ML principles.
  • Strong understanding of designing high performance, fault-tolerant distributed software solutions.
  • Experience creating and optimizing big data processes, pipîelines, and architectures.
  • Experience in streaming technologies like Spark streaming or Dataflow.
  • Experience with Asynchronous messaging using Pub/Sub, Kafka, RabbitMQ, or alike.
  • Familiarity with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Knowledge of CI/CD tools and processes such as Git, GitLab and Jenkins.
  • Experience working with both relational and non-relational databases (BigQuery, BigTable, MySQL, Redis).
  • Familiarity with Unix/Linux OS and shell scripts.
  • Strong organizational skills.


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior ML Engineer / MLOps @Tango Me

Tango Me
  • Advanced Python knowledge.
  • Understanding ML principles.
  • Strong understanding of designing high performance, fault-tolerant distributed software solutions.
  • Experience creating and optimizing big data processes, pipelines, and architectures.
  • Experience in streaming technologies like Spark streaming or Dataflow.
  • Experience with Asynchronous messaging using Pub/Sub, Kafka, RabbitMQ, or alike.
  • Familiarity with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Knowledge of CI/CD tools and processes such as Git, GitLab and Jenkins.
  • Experience working with both relational and non-relational databases (BigQuery, BigTable, MySQL, Redis).
  • Familiarity with Unix/Linux OS and shell scripts.
  • Strong organizational skills.


[Kyiv/Lviv] [Developer] C++ Deployment Engineer @SQUAD

  • 2+ years of commercial development experience.
  • MS or BS in Computer Science.
  • Strong C++ knowledge and CS fundamentals (C++11/14/17 is a plus).
  • Hardware knowledge and principles understanding is an asset.
  • Experience with cross-platform development and code optimization skills.
  • Strong knowledge of algorithms.
  • Knowledge of Linux development: IPC; multithreading; daemons; commonly used libraries and interfaces such as STL, boost; TCP/IP networking.
  • Basic Python 3 knowledge.
  • Good written and spoken English.


[Kharkiv/Remote] [Developer] Machine Learning Engineer @It-Jim

  • Has 1+ years of experience in machine learning/data science.
  • Has a good understanding of algorithms and data structures.
  • Is not afraid of unsolved and challenging problems.
  • Is able to read research papers and reproduce the results via prototyping of the methods.
  • Is confident in Python and its libraries (numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, scipy).
  • Is strong in calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics.
  • Is experienced in git.
  • Is familiar with Tensorflow, Keras and/or Pytorch.
  • Is a good team player and has experience in teamwork.
  • Is strong in written and spoken English (at least intermediate).


[Remote] [Developer] Senior Machine Learning Engineer @NCube

  • Computer Science or similar degree.
  • Programming experience: Python + Django.
  • Strong knowledge of Machine learning.
  • Good Unix / Linux.
  • Upper-Intermediate English.


Recruitika — сервіс анонімного моніторингу пропозицій про роботу від ІТ-компаній. Для тих, хто вже шукає нову роботу, не звільняючись з нинішньої. І для тих, хто просто хоче мати план Б. Дізнайтеся більше про те, як він працює тут.

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